Saturday, May 30, 2009


Well, hot damn. Life is all weird now.

Skool's been outie for about two weeks now (it's been nice knowin' ya, college). I've been busy living in the big kid world with a big kid "temporary position" aka "internship" at Gear for Sports, making bank, promoting synergy and such.

It's been cool so far. And unusual. I've worn heels for a record four days straight and have already managed to get excited about Casual Fridays. It's like Office Space minus the flair, plus a guy who looks like Kenny Powers, minus overtime, plus getting to see hundreds of t-shirt creations on the daily. Good times.

The craziest part is this odd abundance of time after work. What the hell? What is this "time" nonsense? And what on earth am I supposed to do with it?

So far, it's included coming home, shutting my brain off and passing out until dinner. Then playing Wii, dancing to music (alone, naturally), and sleeping again. But that's been a weak week #1. I had to get my ass motivated to do the things I've been meaning to accomplish since forever.

That was an insanely quick list, and it's likely to double in size over the next couple days. Here's one result of #12. My attempt at being Nolan-esque:

Summer rulez.

Friday, May 15, 2009

T'was the night before graduation

Dedicated to the greatest people on the planet, including (but definitely NOT limited to):
  • Stephan Floydmeister and his uncanny ability to be the same person as me on a constant basis
  • Ryballz, for always managing to make me bust out in the most genuine laughter (OH BILLY!)
  • MatttDavidson, for buying the most God-awful shots in the universe, as well as being a hilarious/awesome/kickass honorary Spring 09 senior studio member
  • Andrea, for moving to Dallas with me (it's official, she just doesn't know it yet)
  • Adam, for teaching me so much about myself
  • Every. Single. One of you Wichita friends. For keeping me grounded and reminding me who I am and who I can be
  • Momz, Daddio and lil broskie, duh
  • YOU! For reading this!